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REPOST: s1 Layout; Sakura Rush. (originally posted at [info]ripe [ December 09, 2010 · 1:17pm]



REPOST: Profile Layout. Cross-posted from [info]rp_tutorials. [ December 09, 2010 · 1:15pm]

After glancing at this entry and falling in love with the layout I decided to use it for myself and immediately had someone ask how. So I've made a blank version for whoever wants to use it.

Please note: You do not have to credit me for this. This wasn't my original code, all I did was clean it up and change the colors, and please if you use it feel free to edit it however you see fit. If you do feel so inclined to credit someone you can either link back to this entry so others can find it, or credit [info]vivyan for the original coding. I hope this is helpful.

Previews and code under cut. )

Katie Mcgrath; Merlin Series 1-3 [ December 08, 2010 · 9:22pm]

So ... I know. I really don't need yet another post of Katie. Here some of you probably thought I was dead and here I come with more of Katie. It's a sin. But the thing is I've had some computer issues and it resulted in my losing something like twenty-some icons sets I'd promised to upload. I'm not particularly happy about it. I ended up making this set as an experiment in a new style of making icons and I kind of like it so I thought I'd post them. Some of these are duplicates but not too many since this is a blanket set from all three seasons.

91 Icons )

Creator Note! [ December 08, 2010 · 9:19pm]

All posts below are from my old icon journal: [info]spacebug. When crediting you may either credit this journal or [info]spacebug, I'm not terribly fussed. Please note I did not transfer all of those icons here. The reason for that is that they're older and I'm not terribly happy with them. There are a number of the sets that I did transfer that I'm not completely pleased with but they were larger and I did a lot of work on them so they came. From this point on all icons have either never been posted before or are brand new and done with a completely different icon style that I'm much happier with.

REPOST: Katie Mcgrath; Merlin (The Nightmare Begins) [ December 08, 2010 · 9:17pm]

I've been wanting to post this set for the longest time. I've been kind of irritated that Morgana has gotten so little screen time this season on Merlin. This episode however was fabulous and Katie was gorgeous in it. There's three tacked on at the end from 'The Once and Future Queen', since all Morgana got was a cameo in that episode, but she was pretty and had awesome head gear so I decided to include it.

234 Icons )

REPOST: Colin Morgan; Merlin (2x03) [ December 08, 2010 · 9:17pm]

So naturally this was too big to post in one go. I will definitely be remembering this for next time. Here's another 300 or so icons. In total this set contains 626.

300ish Icons - part two )

REPOST: Colin Morgan; Merlin (2x01-2x03) [ December 08, 2010 · 9:16pm]

So, I remember when I started the Merlin icon project I set myself thinking that doing sets of each character from each episode individually would be fun and handy to have on hand. I also remember thinking when I had gotten through three episodes with still not one icon done of Colin Morgan that I was a little overwhelmed. Then the thought occurred to me: why not just catch up by doing one big set of Colin? Really, how bad can it be?

IT CAN BE REALLY BAD! I don't know what possessed me or how it slipped my mind that Colin's penchant for pulling faces is on par with David Tennant and that I am more than a little OCD when it comes to making icons, but nonetheless it did and now I am left with this MONSTER of a set. Needless to say this will not under any circumstances be happening again. I hope. *shudders*

Anyway some of the numbers are off on these because apparently I either lost or just mis-numbered them, it happens. I really don't think anyone will notice though and if that bothers you, well. Too bad.

I think it goes without saying that this post is NOT friendly for dial-up or those with slow connections.

300ish Icons - part one )

REPOST: Bradley James; Dis/connected [ December 08, 2010 · 9:15pm]

Ok so I know what you're thinking. Do we really need another set of Bradley already? The answer to that is a resounding yes and I don't even care because these have been sitting on my laptop for a month waiting to be posted due to issues I was having with photobucket. So glad that's over. There's one more set of him coming up as a request I promised to do but after that I'm probably taking a break from him for a while so savor this moment.

So, Bradley made me laugh my ass off in this show. There was only one episode ever made and I fully intend to icon most of the people in it though the only one you'll see coming up immediately is Holly Grainger because I have a few things in the works. There's a number (probably way too many but I so don't even care) of icons in this set from a ridiculous sex scene in a women's public restroom but they're not of the graphic nature that there was in my Billie Piper set so, I'm not going to friends lock this one. Enjoy Bradley's facial expressions there.

116 Icons )

REPOST: Katie Mcgrath; Merlin Special Features (Behind the Magic) [ December 08, 2010 · 9:13pm]

More Katie in contemporary clothing, just in case you want her not dressed up. I wish I could find something where her hair is down, but until then here she is in her geeky specs, still gorgeous. Damn her.

105 Icons )

REPOST: Bradley James; Merlin (The Once & Future Queen) [ December 08, 2010 · 9:12pm]

This set was a pain in the ass to do, largely because the episode was so dark. Still there were so many fantastic expressions out of Bradley in this episode and the whole thing with the chicken (for which there are more icons than anyone really needs) so I had to do the whole thing.

185 Icons )

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